Yes! Each cup of 40 Below Joe coffee + creamer beads includes about a shot of espresso.

The same size serving of pure House Blend beads contains about 3 shots.

We do not offer decaf options at this time.

Yes! Our House Blend is pure coffee made from high-quality Arabica beans and contains 0 sugar.

Yes! ALL of our products are gluten-free.

40 Below Joe and Island Rox products are ALL dairy-free.

The Fruity Whey is made using unprocessed whey from cottage cheese production and therefore contains animal-derived ingredients.



We ship all orders Monday through Wednesday and most shipments fall in a 2 or 3 day shipping lane.

We ship all of our orders with dry ice to ensure your product arrives in perfect frozen condition.



Please send an email to sales@40belowco.com and we will direct your inquiry to the appropriate team member.

Typically 8 weeks or more. It depends on the temperature of your freezer (the colder the better).

Our House Blend pure coffee holds the longest.